Friday, October 30, 2009

Pat, My Dear Pat

Pat is my youngest son. Born June 24 1986. He's a treasure. He has endured seizures all of his 23 years with out too much complaining. Life has given him some lemons, but he is continuing to make lemonade of it.
Those who have actually come in contact with him or spent any amount of time with him would say he's quiet, hard to get to know, opinionated when he feels compelled to speak up, selfish... He's not perfect. Nor am I or yourself, if you are being honest with yourselves.
You have to allow for understanding to really see him. He wears his life on his sleeve. He says what he thinks. Granted he has had a limited amount of worldly living and that has catered to his lack of understanding in some areas, but he understands a lot more then most usually give him credit.
I am writing these things about him, so that you who read may have just a slight bit of knowledge of him. He has struggles. He has a kind soul. He tells me often that his biggest dream ever in life, was not to have fame and riches, but to have a wife to love and children to grow. What does that tell you about him? I think its writes novels about him.
So I sit here this morning in a hospital room at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA. Why? Because he is once again undergoing tests to determine seizure types and placement in his brain. He has never had them completely controlled. He has one or two a day. Can't drive and can't be independent. He's a young man. What young man have you ever known loves having to ask for a ride every where? And is completely at the mercy of every ones schedules? (OK I am whining a little for him)
That's how we roll. I say we, because John and I are completely involved in all this. In fact you may come to realize that you yourself are somehow involved and may grow stronger as a person just getting a glimpse into his (our) life (lives). We take it as it comes. We welcome the day in hopes that there be change, but are realistic about the outcome when the sun sets.
Have a grand, beautiful, sun shiny day.
Love isn't for keeping. GIVE IT AWAY!!!

1 comment:

Sumner Family Fun said...

Oh Buff! How is it I've known you guys all these years and didn't know this about Pat! I will totally pray for him...and you! But mostly for God's will for him! That is adorable that his biggest wish is for a wife/love and family...wait a few more years and the girls will be knocking down the door for a man that wants that! You guys are such a great family! And precious cutie! xoxo, Dani :)

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