Wait a minute, where are the horses and the dogs? Oh well, guess I don't have to feed and pick up the poop.
Coffee's done. I can't clean anything. I can't do ANY chores. This is not my house. This is not my ranch...in case you hadn't figured it out, I am not at home.
I am in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. In a little 1000 sq ft bungalow, located on a little street.
From now on when I say CDA you say Coeur d'Alene.
It's my Mom-in-laws house. Cute as a button, very nice neighborhood.
Normally this time of year, in the vicinity, there may be a few inches of snow on the ground. Unlike the Northeast part of the US the Northwest is having a warmer winter spell.
It's cold, but not freakin' cold. Sorry Ohio and Oklahoma, Idaho wins this one hands down.
Anyway, this is one of our several trips north to visit, J, the mom-in-law, and Jenn, Shawn and Dakota, the daughter, son-in-law and grand baby.
Jenn and Shawn live only a few short miles from here. Actually in Hayden, not in CDA.
Today J's sister, G, and niece, K are coming for a visit. They live in Spokane, Washington, only 45 miles from CDA. Spokane has the big airport, the big hospitals and big universities. The really nice freeways, big buildings and TRAFFIC, so I try to stay away from there as much as possible. It's nice that it's close, but nicer that it's at least 30 minutes away.
So here I sit, blogging to you about a day in CDA on vacation visiting, stealing the neighbors wireless connection.
I have pictures. You wanna see 'um? Ok, twist my arm.

The drive into Sand Point was beautiful. We had to go over the bridge over Lake Pend Oreille (sounds like Pond a ray).

Looking down onto Lake Pend Orielle.

I love your new blog layout! very cool! ok, dakota is a cutie!!! and i love jen's dark hair! i'm sure you guys are having a blast! please tell jenn and shawn hello for me!
Was either Tim or Kate who commented at Thanksgiving skyping that Dakota has Grandfather Bergin's eyes. This is so real. That's great great grandfather for Dakota. How miraculous! I see these eyes in most every photo. Family lives on.
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