Monday, August 24, 2009

Another First

Yesterday, I trailered Lacey and Lil' Joe to Totem Pole Ranch, south east of Palmdale at the foot of the Angeles National Forest. I met with some new horsey friends for an evening ride. The other five riders are finishing up and freshing up on their Trail Trials skills since there is a competition here at the Ranch in September. The reason they come here is that it's one of the few places in Los Angeles County that has some water to get the horses into. And if your training a real newby, (green horse is the technical word) getting him into the water was a great opportunity.
So the reason for this "Another First Post", Lil Joe walked into the water. Yeah, not a big deal in the normal world, but you forget this isn't a normal life. This is the horse world. And getting your two year old to walk into and go across a small body of water is a real big deal.
As we approached the water it was a fright for him. He planted his feet and took on the donkey pose. "I ain't getting in there. I don't care that my mom went in first. I could really care less if the other horses are across and leaving us. " Were his comments.
Sly horse trainer that I am, (I do get some bragging rights) I dalyed his lead rope around the saddle horn, pulled him right up to Lacey's rump and step by small step walked into the water. He did great. Of course when he realized his feet were in the water he jumped straight up.
I wish I had a camera and was on the other side of the water, with my two feet planted firmly on dry ground. I am SURE the scene was completely hilarious. I am scrambling to un-daly the lead line so I don't get clotheslined and pulled into the water. He is hopping, Lacey is frustrated, ears back and ready to kick him. As I reach around to pull the lead over my head, I knocked my hat off and it falls in the water.
Suddenly all is still. Joey has relaxed as he is standing knee deep in the water. Wendie, my encouragement from the other side, starts laughing and says, "Look at his foot he is holding it out of the water." I look down and sure enough he's got his right front foot lifted out of the water, holding it awkwardly so as not to let it touch the water. Really, really funny. They can do the silliest things.
We stand there a minute or two, I say so long to my hat as it floats down stream as no one is willing to get off and wade in to get it including me. We walk out as if it was all normal everyday stuff. Yeah! Lil Joe and Yeah! Lacey for doing a great job.
The rest of the ride consisted of small up and down hills, lot's of log walk overs and a big tunnel that went under the road. We did great on the whole ride.
I can't wait until I can start doing these things on Lil' Joe's back. He has had such a great start, doing them on his back should be cake.

1 comment:

natureguysgardenetc said...

OK Buffy now I have a serious appetite for raw oysters!!! So much for living life in the RAW!


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