Monday, August 17, 2009

No Pictures

So on Thursday morning after my morning Bible reading on the front porch I was headed into the house for a coffee refill and my journey to my upstairs office and I discovered this:

This is a picture of a Praying Mantis on my front door frame

Oh wait, I actually discovered this:
I broke my camera. Well actually I killed my camera. Well actually I ran over my camera with Lachelle's truck.
Let me elaborate, I had to borrow Lachelle's horse trailer, again (I always borrow it from her, in fact I should be making the payments for her as I think I use it more then her), and Ron and Lachelle's suburban to take the horses and John up Angeles Forest Highway to ride (see Does John Ride post). My truck is to whimpy to pull over six thousand pounds up hill for any length of time.
So after a really nice ride and returning all the animals to their pens I had to return the suburban to its pen (garage). As I pulled into the driveway I see that my son, Shawn's truck is parked directly in front of the garage door. (why is Shawn at Ron and Lachelle's, you ask, because he and Maegan were house sitting, I answer) So I had to move his truck to get her truck in the garage so I could put his truck back where it was and get in my truck to go home (I said that all in one breath). In the process I took all my stuff out of Lachelle's truck and put it on the driveway. (your seeing a picture now, right? Cus' that's all your gonna get is word pictures) So I proceed to carefully drive the suburban into the garage and as I am something gets under the wheel. I say to myself, "self, there isn't anything on the driveway, why do you feel a bump on the concrete?" and then proceed to "ride" over the bump in the driveway. As I get out I discover that my purse and water bottle were the bump.
Water bottle destroyed and tossed in the trash, inspect purse, everything seems ok, even my phone which was inside the purse. Close garage door, replace Shawn's truck to it's rightful spot, get in my truck and head home.
All is well...until Thursday morning after my morning Bible reading on the front porch I was headed into the house for a coffee refill and my journey to my upstairs office and I discovered this:

picture of my broken camera and me saying "crap" now what do I do?

So that's my story and I am stickin' with it.

I am taking donations for a new camera, please send your monetary donations to:

Just kiddin' No really I did kill my camera, I was just kiddin' about the donations, unless of course you are feeling generous and have some extra cash.

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