Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Told You There Would Be More

Another Joey first that is.
I have been on Lil' Joe four times in the past month and he is doing great. I don't have pictures because I am the photographer and the rider. It's a little more important to be paying attention to riding when it comes to a VERY GREEN 2 year old. Maybe I can convince John to take some shots next time I am on him.
All the rides have been textbook. No bucking, rearing...he just turns his head towards my feet as if to say, "Hey, what's this?" and "Mom, why are you up there?" and "I can't bite you at that angle."
All is going well, except for he isn't to sure about moving just yet. I just have him walk out and he is ok with that. I ask him to get into a trot...well I urge, no I insist that he take a few steps into a trot and he doesn't get any cue but a leather popper on the butt, then he lifts his hind end and inch or two and takes about ten steps in a trot. That's all I ask for. He will get it.

So another first was on Saturday. This I have shots of because there is usually some one in our riding group that has a camera and is really great at posting them online as soon as we all get home from the ride.
SO here is Lil' Joe's First Big Boy Trail Ride. I joined ETA #138 Barrel Springs Riders, of which I am a member, riding in the hills south west of Palmdale called Joshua Hills. Gentle rolling hills, sage, juniper and shrub oak.
He has been out and about with me and Poneeh several times, but only on our home trails and only for an hour or less.
He has never been with any other horses other then Poneeh, Lacey and Cracker. These guys are all strangers to him.
He was mostly a gentleman around them. I wasn't sure if he would try to kick or bite a nearby horse or rider so I had to keep a good eye on him.
He went for two and a half hours and made it all the way. No biting, kicking or dragging. Well, a little dragging, but not much. As you can see in the above picture he took every opportunity to rest on Poneeh. Oh yeah and by the way, Poneeh was a great leader for him on the ride. He showed him how to do it right. Good job boys!!!!

1 comment:

Joan Stewart Smith said...

He's really adjusting well!

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