"Hey you guys!!"
I love that line from Goonies. Sloth hollers it as he comes to the rescue of Chunk and his friends. If you haven't seen Goonies, you must. In fact I heard that the remake is in the works. Astoria, OR is home to Goonies. They will be celebrating the Goonies 20th anniversary next year. I heard there is a big party planned. So you might ask, What does this have to do with you? And I would answer, absolutly nothing. Just some random thoughts. I am good for those now and then.

You see, I am avoiding talking about me because at the moment I am one of twelve people residing in Lancaster, CA as a jury for a criminal case. We are not allowed to talk about anything having to do with the case.
Well, John is working hard to keep RLA (our computer software company) afloat. Things have been going well. Not great, but OK. We continue every month to meet payroll and pay health insurance for six employees. That is a blessing for sure.
We were very busy in the months of December and January. Besides Christmas and the fun that came with that, we were in Pismo for five days with the horses. See my "Because We Can" post for beautiful and fun pictures.

We left for Coeur d'Alene, ID on the 9th of January to visit with Jenn, her husband, Shawn, their daughter, Dakota and John's Mom, Jane for ten days. The weather was great. No snow, cold, a little rain and a little warming sunshine. Can't complain, that's for sure. It was fun to spend some quality time with Dakota. She is growing at a very fast (sad) rate. She was attempting to walk, but saved that for her Mom and Dad till after we left. That's ok. It was extra hard to leave this time. That little baby is changing quickly to a little girl and we don't want to miss anything.

After arriving home on the 19th and catching up on year end and year beginning work for the company, I finally seemed like life was getting back to normal and I get hit with a jury summons. I will go into detail later, but this is an interesting thing to go through I must say.
So that's the catch up. Where's the mustard?
We are looking forward to March. I turn 47, that'll be cool. And Jenn and her family will be here for a week, that'll be way cool!!

We hope to see some of the family in March too. A little Light and Healthy sounds kinda yummy, you think?
That's all for now!!!
Such beautiful writing, Buffy. I found Michael's words so smooth and warming and these words likewise. Is this a charism the Stewart family holds in unison. In so many other ways we are totally unique, one from the other. Brings joy to my heart your sharing so warmly. MOM
Buffy, so you are changing the name of your blog?
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